Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Volunteering and the Recession

Something that crossed my mind the other day was I wonder how volunteering has grown or changed since the recession. Are people out of work using this time to volunteer or are they spending their time doing other things? With the shortage of jobs are young people doing more volunteering to bulk up their CV and make them standout?

I think bodies that support volunteering in this country should be doing more at the moment to try and make sure as many people out of work are volunteering as possible. I remember in the past we have had things like Millennium Volunteers and the Year of Volunteering but I think it is time for a push again.

During a recession there should also be more volunteering opportunities made available to cope with the demand. Instead of volunteering organizations thinking right we can be more selective in who we take on because of the demand their should be agencies working with people to find them a volunteering opportunity that is right for them.

During a recession, profit making enterprises may feel like they capitalize on the situation by getting people to work for free for them in return for some work experience and a reference but I think it is important that we make sure that people aren’t getting ripped off and are getting something out of it.

If you have some spare time on your hands be sure to find out what volunteering opportunities there are in your area. You will be surprised by what is available to you. Just always make sure to check out the organization and the position first to make sure that it is the right place for you as if it is you will be amazed by what you can get out of volunteering.

Adam Sibley
Founder of the Talented Young People organisation
"Envisage it, Believe it, Achieve it!"
”Shaking up the Youth of Today”


thelaptopsavjetnik said...

I think that it`s wonderful that people in this day and age are prepared to take care of each other by volunteering. I guess that this is a win win situation, on the one side people get the recognition and achievement, and on the other side, people that need help get it. simple as that!

volim elektrotehniku

BIG AV said...

I am 24 and I have managed to find work by learning real world skills, university leavers need to understand a degree is not enough and if volunteering will teach them that then it is brilliant, once they gain experience in a field they can use the skills they have gained form university to take advantage of future opportunities.